关于IS 1293:2019额定电压不超过 250 伏(含 250 伏)、
额定电流不超过 16 安培(含 16 安培)的
“IS 17048:2019使用无卤阻燃剂(HFFR)电缆,工作电压达1100伏(包括 1100伏)”
“不可接线附件用交付时的软电缆类型和尺寸进行测试;不包含在电线组或电线延长组中的附件,或不是设备组件的附件,应提供至少 1 米长的相关规格的软电缆或硬电缆进行测试。”
Type 类型 |
Rated Current 额定电流 A |
2P (non-rewireable plugs only) 2P(仅限不可接线插头) |
2.5 |
2P (Socket & non-rewireable plugs only), 2P + 2P(仅限插座及不可接线插头) 2P + |
6 |
2P (non-rewireable plugs only)1) , 2P + 2P(仅限不可接线插头)1) 2P +
16 |
2P + (combined socket-outlets only) 2P + (仅限组合插座)
6/16 |
1) 假接地引脚(dummy earth pin)的尺寸见附件 B |
(第16.2.1, 17.1.1, 17.1.2 及23.2条)
Rating of Accessory 附件等级 |
Number of Poles 极数 |
Types of Flexible Cable (Cable References) 软电缆类型 (电缆参考资料) |
Number of Conductors and Nominal Cross Sectional Area mm2 导线数量 以及 标称横截面积 mm2 |
Limits of External Dimensions for Flexible Cables mm 软电缆外部尺寸限值 mm |
最小值 |
最大值 |
6A Up to and including 250V 6A 小于等于 250V |
2 |
IS 694
IS 17048
2 X 0.75 2 X 0.75
2 X 0.75 2 X 0.75
2.7 X 5.4 3.8 X 6.0
2.7 X 5.4 3.8 X 6.0
3.2 X 6.4 5.2 X 7.6
3.2 X 6.4 5.2 X 7.6
6A Up to and including 250V 6A 小于等于 250V |
2 3
2 3 |
IS 694
IS 17048
2 X 0.75 2 X 1 3 X 0.75 3 X 1 2 X 0.75 2 X 1 3 X 0.75 3 X 1 |
2.7 X 5.4 6.4 6.4
2.7 X 5.4 6.4 5.8
3.2 X 6.4 8.0 8.4
3.2 X 6.4 8.0 8.4
Above 6A Up to and including 16 A Up to and including 250V 大于6A,小于等于16A 小于等于250V |
2 3
2 3 |
IS 694
IS 17048 |
2 X 0.75 2 X 1.5 3 X 0.75 3 X 1.5 2 X 0.75 2 X 1.5 3 X 0.75 3 X 1.5 |
2.7 X 5.4 7.4 6.4
2.7X 5.4 7.4
3.2X6 9.0 9.8
3.2x6.4 9.0