DOT is short for US Department of Transportation which was founded in 1967 with its headquarter in Washington D.C. It comprises agencies such as FHWA, FAA, FMCSA, MARAD, NHTSA and OST. It has employees more than 60,000 across U.S. DOT is responsible for developing and improving regulations related to transportation, formulating regulations on all vehicles land and sea entering U.S. along with transportation of dangerous substances and certificates issuing. DOT is committed to safeguarding transportation safety and promoting economic development to match the needs of environment and national defense.
FMVSS was come into use in 1968, with NHTSA responsible for formulating and implementing. DOT Certification is compulsory which means all vehicles and accessories sold at U.S. must be authenticated and labeled with DOT identification. After 30 years’ practical application, DOT Certification has also extended in market area from its origin USA to North America. To North America consumers, the DOT codes labeled on sidewall is kind of quality commitment, in other words, the same as quality certification declared by tyre manufactures. Therefore, they think it is reasonable and will take it with pleasure direct at the phenomena that the selling price with tyre labeled with DOT codes is much more expensive than that without DOT codes. To manufactures of vehicle and accessories, DOT codes represent responsibility. It should conform to all regulations formulated by FMVSS about requirements on minimum performance and product identification. DOT Certification is actually a kind of market rules with its representing business spirits are free trade, responsibility shouldering and interests sharing. It also shares the same importance with entrance and permission into the North America market for vehicle and accessories.
Certification Scope:
The American law declares all products sold at the U.S. market should pass DOT Certification. Products are as follows:
Automobile, motorcycle, electric vehicles and accessories (braking hose, lamp, mirror, brake fluid, tyre and rim, glass, helmet, paint and chemical coating used for transportation, ship, plane, truck, oil tank truck, tyre and airbag.
DOT Certification and Detection Procedure:
It is explicitly stipulated by DOT that any conformity application submitted for FMVSS must be on the basis that manufactures are well-known about OVSC and manufacturing products according to DOT production safety criteria. In other words, DOT has clearly specified each criterion’s laboratory detection procedure on vehicles and accessories, such as laboratory detection equipment, test tolerance, standard requirements of products, detailed detection procedure and test report requirements. Manufactures should guarantee that all vehicles and accessories exported to U.S. market should conform to laboratory detection procedure required by DOT.
The following steps should be included when submitting application to DOT on FMVSS conformity:
1. Manufacturer should designate a person allowed to permanently reside in the United Nations as the application attorney, who will be involved in all connections during the conformity application process.
2. Submit the following three files to DOT: attorney designation file, attorney permission file and FMVSS conformity application form.
3. Select samples in random and delivery them to approved contract laboratory for detection.
4. Detailed product detection plan will be submitted to OVSC. Detection will be only carried out after OVSC’s ratification.
5. If ran into problems during the detection process, laboratory should provide preliminary evaluation report and conformity investigation report to manufactures applied for detection, at the same time, give product improvement suggestions.
6. Manufactures make improvements on their products and then delivery for detection, until the final pass.
7. OVSC and DOT ratify manufactures’ conformity application which allows their products’ legal entrance into the U.S. market.
8. OVSC will carry out annual spot check to verity the validity of DOT identification held by manufactures and ensure all products reach requirements on minimum performance and product identification formulated by FMVSS.
For detailed information:
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